Sunday, August 21, 2011

It was a long week from New York to Ecuador.

It started from last Sunday after mid-night, having fever, shivering, body aching, and sweating for all night long. Then it would go away during the day and come back at night again.

Anyway, the problem was Tuesday night. Same, but this time it was much more severe. I was almost unconscious. I was in some sort of cocoon naked. Its inside was so cold like a house of ice, hot like a hell of fire, and so white rather beautiful.

There were a lot of voices around my ears. Those little voices soon faded away. However there was one voice I talk to and the voice talk to me back for such a quite while. That’s what I thought. But at the moment, it seemed like there were no time existing, everything was stopped.

I don’t remember what the voice and I talked about but one thing I clearly remember was that “are you afraid?” the voice said. I paused. All my life events, good and bad came to my vision. I paused again. And said, “No I am not afraid, even if I had to be gone right at this moment I am not afraid.” The voice paused and “okay then”.

And that was a moment I was able to move my body a bit but still shivering like little tree branches in the angry wind. Some how I got up and sat on the edge of the bed. I needed the physical and mental strength to go through the long journey that was ahead. So only thing I could think of was calling my spirit friends, energy of Reike, and my own spirit of bird. Yes. They really helped me.

I made 5 trips from 5th floor to first floor to bring down luggage. Every step I took was unimaginably challenging. After this, from top to bottom of my body was soaking wet as if I just took a shower with clothing on.

I made to Airport at 5:00 in the morning Wednesday with those of my spirit friends, and finally to Quito around 10PM. I was still so sick.

In the hotel in Quito I was again almost unconscious. In this time I had another vision or dream. There were a man and I both wearing white clothing, standing by the river, the river where the water was white filled with full of white papers floating through the river but these papers were not wet. How strange… We did not talk but the man was tearing the white papers and throwing into the river continuously.

Next morning, Thursday, back to airport again to fly to Loja. And I made to come home. I saw Yasu and collapsed, from then to Friday I was in so much pain, Saturday I felt little better, and today, Sunday I think I am okay. I just need to eat more and regain the energy back.

I don’t know what all this mean. But for sure, it was some experience. Somewhat I feel it was a some kind of initiation into something...

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