Thursday, August 25, 2011


I was feeling much better enough to play tennis this morning, but after one set of the game I had to stop for not over-doing.

My tennis friends in Vilcabamba

 Where am I? I am at Joseph's house. I came out for walk and ended up visiting Joseph. He is good friend of mine who has warm shoulders for me to cry on sometimes and I can always have good talk.

  Joseph is bring me coffee. He makes good coffee and is a good musician.

 Yasu and my Cafe-Cultura; we serve dinner twice a week here.

 I am still recovering from the sickness.

 The first sun-set I was watching yesterday after got back to Vilcabamba.

We are going to stay up in our farm-house in the middle of mountain this weekend. It is very rustic, a old table, couple of chairs are all we have in the house. we make fire to cook. But we enjoy being up there often time, away from the town and having total privacy.

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