Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Did you call me last night? 
I got a call from Skype number but couldn't hear at all...
oh,,, miss you.
walked the path we were walking up and down this morning. 
I wished you were by me, so badly....

The sun just went down.
Stayed in the bed all day, trying to sleep so I can catch you in the dream, but couldn't.
My aching tummy cries. The aching would go away if  you lay your hand on...

I am reading your poems you left with me, again and again.
"The wind blows not to find the branch
The branch waits not To be touched by the wind But when they join... perfect copulation."

It was cloudy and a bit of rain on and off all day instead of the wind, cold.
If I had your arms around me...

Looking at the jar of coconut oil on the table, thinking that I will wait until you put it on my body with you touch.
Cigarettes, yeah I will get over it...drank the tea, it only reminds me of you.

Night is long, keep checking my phone in knowing that there is no text message from you...
The feeling of wholeness I had when we made love won't never be forgotten.

Love you.


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