Friday, January 28, 2011


It was rain for all last night through the morning.
I had to get up in the middle of night by drops of rain hitting on my forehead.
The house I am loving in living  has only tile roof, so when there is a lot of rain the drops of rain just kicks in. Is this the cost for living in the humble house or what? well, I guess we have to find a way not to have rain inside before it invading my house...

 The path I walk up and down at least once a day.

 Cactus flower

 water runs wild after the rain last night in Vilcabamba River

A funny story,
I was walking down to the town this morning. 
A car was coming toward me and stopping by me.
A lady, seemingly a mother of those kids in the car asking if they can take picture of me with them.
I felt funny to be asked for such thing like that.  But I ended up smiling at their small camera and answered to their question, "I am a Korean".

They've never seen CHINO before? ^^
yeah! to them all Asian is Chino.^^

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