Wednesday, December 29, 2010

moving again

I've been going up to my new humble house every day just to be more comfortable with hiking up and cleaning the chicken shits until we move in.^^ It will be all good once we make the chicken fence.
Friend of us Pedro put some shelves for me yesterday, he is very handy.
We'll move in on 15th of January 2011.

I realized that how much important to be in the place where I feel comfortable and creative.
About those 3 months I suffered from closed-phobia. So I am so looking forward to be in open surroundings.

while we were there the rain started pouring down for about 20min and every surrounding seemed greener and mythic in the mist.

 a view from the house, I can't wait to get up in the morning in this house.

1 comment:

Me said...

Great Blog Maya, you have become quite an artist, all these different mediums to express yourself.

Congrats on the new home!

Say hello to Yasu!

We miss you all.

Millie and Tarek