Thursday, July 22, 2010

We are the light -from Toltec Prophecies

Changing the dream involves coming to the light, releasing the light, seeing the light from many directions.

Our body is light, but it is condensed light. Our mind is light. Our soul is light in different manifestations. Light perceives light in any of the dimensions. This is why we can perceive with the eyes, but we also can perceive with the mind, with the soul, and with the spirit.

What is the spirit? I call it intent. Intent, spirit, God... these are names for the same energy. A property of intent energy is that it makes possible any changes,any transformation. God is the real you. God is the real me.

Energy or light is the first manifestation of intent, or the first manifestation of God, or of the spirit. Everything is alive because of God, because of you. You are not your body. You are not your cells. You are not your mind. You are not your soul. You are life. Your essence is light and light is everywhere.

Light is a living being. There are billions of different vibrations of light. Light carries all the information for any kind of life on Planet Earth. Mother Earth transforms the information in the light from the Father Sun to create life. The DNA in each of our cells is a ray from the sun condensed into matter by Mother Earth.

The information carried by the light is known as the silent knowledge. The silent knowledge is stored and passed on in DNA; therefore our bodies contain the codes.

All knowledge that exists is in the light. Light is the way stars communicate from one to the other, just as light is the way one atom communicates with another atom.

Each human has a frequency of light, which is always connected to the sun, like a river to earth. If we shift our focus, it is possible to see that the river of light as something solid in the same way that we see a human hand as something solid. If we shift our focus to a smaller, swifter time and space, we no longer see the human had as solid. Instead we can see all the atoms, all the electrons as a field of energy that is moving and not solid. The river of light, like any river, is flowing. It is constantly moving and changing.

We are all connected to the same sun. Whatever happens anyway in the universe will be known by the whole universe because the communication is instantaneous. In our material point of view, the speed of light is 186,000 miles per second, which we think is probably the fastest speed possible, but actually there is a quality of light that is thousands of times faster than our ability to measure it. It is this quality that allows for instant communication across the universe and to all the organs of the universe.

What we see is nothing but light reflecting from objects. Reflected light gives the objects apparent form. We have agreed to accept our visual perceptions of reality as the truth, but this truth derives from and agreement or consensus in which we are a partner. Perception is a miracle that demonstrates our power to create the outside reality. We perceive the natural world, but we actually created it in our mind and brain.

As soon as we interpret what we are seeing, we find that each of us makes a different interpretation of reality because each of us dreams a different dream. Each of us has our own dream based on what we have agreed to believe.

The real core of a human being is a personal ray of light in connection with the sun through this light. Any change occurring in a single human affects the sun and its response affects the rest of humanity.

Once we find our personal ray of light, we can shift our point of view to the sun and see the human race all at once. I teach my apprentices to find that ray of light connecting them to the sun. When they can do this, the silent knowledge enters their minds and they just know, without thought or fear. Humans who can do this are prophets who point the way for others.

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